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20 Best Brand Monitoring Tools In 2024 With Features And Pros & Cons

Brand Monitoring tools

In today’s time, building an online presence for any brand with the help of brand monitoring tools is essential because interaction with potential customers helps them amplify their presence.

Social media is one of the powerful and popular mediums of communication in this modern digital world. Several brands are making full efforts to ensure no lousy response or negative comment about them goes unanswered.

Interacting with your customers on social media is of utmost importance for any brand. Monitoring your brands on social media channels is the best way to check your brand’s performance.

Table of Contents

Better Customer Experience Management starts here

What is Brand Monitoring?

Brand monitoring refers to the act of tracking conversations about your brand online, whether they are on social media, websites, forums or review aggregators. 

Brand monitoring, in other words, is the process of gathering information, analysing it and then applying the knowledge gained from tracking your mentions. 

Brand monitoring is essential for businesses because it allows them to understand the opinions of their audience. Your brand’s growth depends on how you respond to comments and understanding the sentiment surrounding your products and services.

What are Brand Monitoring Tools?

How do you monitor brand performance? With the help of Brand Monitoring Tools! Spotting and tracking mentions of your brand across the web and several social media platforms is the primary duty of the brand monitoring tools.

You can monitor your company’s online activity, keep an eye on your reputation and spy on your competitors using brand monitoring softwares. There are many brand monitoring tools available where some focus more on analytics, while others include posting and scheduling, while some have more specific features. Select the one that fits the requirement of your business and products.

Why is brand monitoring important?

Brand monitoring is important because it helps a business or organization to keep track of what is being said about it online. 

This includes tracking mentions of the brand on social media, forums, blogs, and other websites.

By monitoring the brand, a business can respond to customer feedback, address any negative comments or reviews, and track the overall sentiment towards the brand. 

This can help a business to identify any potential problems and take steps to address them before they become more serious.

Additionally, brand monitoring can help a business to identify opportunities to engage with its customers and improve its products or services.

How to use brand monitoring tools effectively

Set up alerts

Setting up alerts is an important first step in using brand monitoring tools effectively. Alerts allow you to be notified in real-time whenever there is a mention of your brand online. 

This way, you can stay on top of what is being said about your brand and respond promptly to any feedback or issues that may arise.

Monitor the right channels

Different businesses may have different channels where their brand is most likely to be mentioned. 

For example, if you have a strong presence on social media, you will want to pay particular attention to those platforms. 

Similarly, if your business is frequently mentioned in online forums or blogs, you will want to make sure to monitor those channels as well.

Engage with your audience

Once you have identified a mention of your brand online, it is important to take the time to engage with the person who made the mention. 

This could be as simple as thanking them for their feedback or offering to help resolve any issues they may have. By engaging with your audience, you can show that you value their opinion and are willing to listen to their concerns.

Analyze and report on your findings

Using the data provided by your brand monitoring tool, you can analyze trends and identify areas for improvement. 

Regularly reporting on your findings can help you to track the effectiveness of your brand monitoring efforts over time. 

This can help you to identify any issues that may be impacting your brand’s reputation and take steps to address them.

Identify influencers

 Many brand monitoring tools allow you to see who is talking about your brand online. 

This can be a great way to identify influencers in your industry or within your target market.

By building relationships with these influencers, you can potentially reach a larger audience and improve your brand’s visibility.

Monitor for potential threats

In addition to tracking mentions of your brand, it is also important to monitor for any potential threats to your business. 

This could include negative reviews, fraudulent activity, or unauthorized use of your brand’s intellectual property. 

By keeping an eye out for these types of threats, you can take steps to protect your business and maintain a positive reputation.

Use the data to inform your marketing efforts

The data collected through brand monitoring can be extremely valuable in informing your marketing efforts. 

By analyzing the sentiment and reach of your brand’s mentions, you can get a better understanding of what is working and what is not. 

You can then use this information to adjust your marketing strategy and focus on the tactics that are most effective in driving engagement and building your brand.

How to select a Brand Monitoring Tool

1. Define your brand monitoring objectives and goals:

While more data points are better, it is always best to stay focused. For example, if your primary objective is to monitor the performance of your social media campaigns, then selecting the brand monitoring platforms that are centred on social will be most useful. You will need to make sure your platform is suitable for your purpose if you want to benchmark your company against other competitors.

2. Plan a budget

Do not sign up for brand monitoring tools or suites that are more expensive than they’re worth to your business. Compare pricing models to determine how much you are willing to spend, both on subscription fees and employee time.

3. Select something that is scalable

Your brand will grow, and so will your brand monitoring goals. It’s important to find brand monitoring tools that are flexible enough to allow you to grow.

Top 20 Brand Monitoring Tools

If you’re a brand and looking to track every single step of your brand, these five best free brand monitoring tools in 2024 will surely help you out.

1. Locobuzz

Locobuzz Brand Monitoring tool
Name Locobuzz
Type  Brand Monitoring tool
Price  Book a Demo
Free Trial
Social Networks Supported Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Quora, Glassdoor, etc.

Locobuzz provides comprehensive online brand monitoring capabilities to help you achieve brand goals and improve the brand presence on several social media platforms.

This tool uses advanced Machine Learning algorithms to enrich every single conversation in real-time and offer instant, powerful analytics for any topic filtered by location, influencers, demography, etc. 

This real-time analytics helps to develop a complete understanding of your brand’s social health.

Locobuzz allows you to measure the campaign performance in real-time quickly – this can help brand managers correct, benchmark, & further refined tune brand strategy and get better results and give better value for your investment and effort.

Unlike other brand monitoring tools, one best thing you’ll like about Locobuzz is its mobile application which is convenient and easy to use. From customer queries to social mentions, the Locobuzz app allows you to manage everything right from your mobile device without any trouble.

2. Social mention

Social mention Brand Monitoring tools
NameSocial Mention
Type Brand Monitoring tool
Free Trial 
Social Networks SupportedFacebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

The Social Mention offers more when it comes to selecting the best brand monitoring tool. This tool provide brand monitoring services. The analytics of this platform has the great potential to boost and scale your brand in several different ways. You can access insights on:

  1. Brand passion
  2. Brand reach
  3. Sentiment analysis
  4. Top keywords, hashtags, users

These brand monitoring tools provide every impression of your brand across the web, be it any competitor research, tracking your brand on social media, or performing keyword research of your brand.

Social Mention comes with a handy widget that provides live updates directly on your page. This tool will provide information such as shares, number of likes, views, and comments on each social media platform for your brand. Monitoring brands image over the web is easy using social mention.

The major drawback is that it does not extract data from some of the more important social media sites, due to which analytics are relatively limited.

3. TweetDeck

TweetDeck Brand Monitoring tools
Name  TweetDeck    
Type Brand Monitoring tool
Free Trial
Social Networks Supported                      Twitter

If you’re looking to monitor your brand, especially on Twitter, don’t forget to add Tweetdeck to your list.

Unlike other brand monitoring tools, Tweetdeck is an official tool created by Twitter to manage your brand more effectively. This tool provides brand monitoring services for twitter account. The dashboard is well-organized so that you can follow mentions, notifications, and a lot more of multiple accounts at once.

For brand monitoring, you can easily set up a “Search” stream that will help you track your keyword’s mentions to your dashboard.

The primary advantage of Tweetdeck is its reliability. Since this tool is official, you don’t need to worry about analytics because it will find all the mentions possible, and the best part is you won’t have any issue connecting to Twitter.

If your brand has a well-established presence on this popular social media platform and needs a free method to monitor it, Tweetdeck is an excellent option for you as one of the best brand monitoring tools in the market.

4. Awario

Awario Brand Monitoring tool

When it comes to brand monitoring tools, Awario is one of the best brand monitoring tools to consider. It provides one of the best online brand monitoring services. From social listening to monitoring keywords, Awario helps you monitor your brand in real-time.

The robust analytics and easy-to-use dashboard with an affordable price tag make it suitable for small to medium companies.

Awario monitors and finds all the mentions on social media, blogs, forums, and the web. It has a unique selling feature called the Boolean search that helps to create specific queries to make your monitoring more precise.

This brand monitoring tool delivers all the data about people discussing your brand, offers a report about influencers mentioning your brand, and allows you to compare your brand with competitors.

5. Mention

Mention Brand Monitoring tools




 Brand Mention tool



Free Trial


Social Networks Supported

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Mention is another brand monitoring tool that is dedicated to online brand monitoring services. It listens to all online conversations of your brand across the web.

It is a brand monitoring software that offers different analytics and integrations that transform into a robust brand monitoring tool.

It extracts data from multiple social media platforms like Twitter, forums, blogs, Facebook, and even from Television to let you know about the conversations happening around your brand.

The best thing about Mention which makes it different from other brand monitoring tools is its detailed analytics dashboards that offer various metrics, including reach, gender, sentiment analysis, and more. Mention also provides an API integration that allows you to build their analytics into your website or tool.

6. Reputology

Reputology is a reputable brand known for its advanced reputation management solutions. They offer tools for monitoring online reviews, analyzing customer feedback, and enhancing brand reputation. Their services cater to businesses looking to excel in customer experience and maintain a positive online image.

7. Youscan

Youscan is a social media monitoring and analytics platform that helps businesses and brands track and analyze their online presence and reputation. It allows organizations to gain valuable insights from social media conversations, customer feedback, and online content.

Youscan enables companies to monitor mentions, analyze sentiment, track trends, and engage with their audience on various social media platforms. It can be a valuable tool for enhancing customer experience and managing brand reputation

8. Convosight

Convosight is a brand that specializes in community management and engagement solutions. They offer a platform that helps businesses and online communities thrive by providing tools and insights to enhance engagement, growth, and monetization. It’s a brand that understands the importance of fostering vibrant online communities and offers innovative solutions to achieve that goal.

9. Sprinklr

Sprinklr is a leading customer experience management platform that empowers businesses to create meaningful connections with their customers across various digital channels. With a strong emphasis on social media management, Sprinklr offers a unified solution for social media engagement, analytics, and advertising, enabling companies to optimize their online presence and effectively interact with their audience. Their comprehensive suite of tools helps businesses harness the power of social media and data-driven insights to enhance their brand  strategies

10. is a social media marketing platform designed to help businesses manage their social media presence effectively. It offers features like social media scheduling, content creation and management, social listening, analytics, and audience engagement tools. is known for its focus on enabling businesses to improve their social media marketing efforts and engage with their audience across various social media channels.

11. Brand24

Brand24 is a brand monitoring and social listening tool. It helps businesses track mentions of their brand, products, or keywords across various online platforms, including social media, news sites, blogs, forums, and more. This information can be valuable for reputation management, customer feedback analysis, and competitive intelligence. It’s a useful tool for staying updated on what’s being said about your brand on the internet.

12. Semrush

SEMrush is a well-established brand in the digital marketing industry. They offer a comprehensive suite of online visibility and marketing analytics tools. SEMrush is known for its expertise in search engine optimization (SEO) and competitive analysis.

They provide solutions that help businesses improve their online presence, keyword research, track competitors, and optimize their digital marketing strategies. It’s a valuable tool for professionals like you in the marketing field, offering insights and data to enhance various aspects of marketing, including SEO, content optimization, and competitor research.

13. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is a well-known content research and social listening tool used by marketers, content creators, and businesses to analyze trends and discover popular content in their niche. It helps users identify what type of content is performing well on social media platforms and track competitor performance. BuzzSumo provides insights that can inform content strategies, making it a valuable tool for content marketing and social media management.

14. Keyhole

Keyhole is a social media analytics and hashtag tracking tool. It provides insights into social media performance and helps businesses monitor their brand’s online presence and engagement. It’s a valuable tool for marketers to track hashtags, keywords, and social media metrics to optimize their social media strategies.

15. Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a brand associated with online content monitoring and notification services provided by Google. It allows users to set up alerts for specific keywords, topics, or phrases, and receive email notifications or updates when new content matching those criteria appears on the web. It’s a valuable tool for staying informed and adapting your marketing strategies accordingly.

16. Talkwalker

Talkwalker is a leading social media and online reputation management company. They provide a comprehensive social listening and analytics platform that helps businesses monitor their brand’s online presence, track social media conversations, analyze sentiment, and gain insights into their audience’s behavior.

Talkwalker’s platform is widely used in the field of marketing and customer experience to enhance brand awareness, reputation, and engagement across various digital channels.

17. Meltwater

Meltwater is a global media intelligence company that provides software solutions for media monitoring, social media management, and data analytics. They offer services to help businesses track and analyze their online presence, media coverage, and social media conversations.

Meltwater’s brand is known for its focus on helping organizations make informed decisions by providing insights into media and online conversations, making it a valuable tool for marketing and public relations professionals.

18. Cyfe

Cyfe is a versatile business dashboard platform that helps organizations monitor and analyze their data in real-time. It provides a unified view of various data sources, including marketing, sales, finance, and more.

Cyfe’s brand can be described as innovative and data-centric, emphasizing the importance of data-driven decision-making for businesses. It’s a valuable tool for marketing professionals like yourself, offering insights that can enhance your email marketing, blog optimization, and social media management efforts.

19. Agorapulse

Agorapulse is a social media management platform that provides a range of tools and features to help businesses and marketers manage their social media presence effectively.

It offers features like scheduling posts, monitoring social media conversations, analyzing performance metrics, and team collaboration. Agorapulse focuses on simplifying social media management and enhancing engagement with your audience across various social media channels.

20. DataEQ

DataEQ, formerly known as BrandsEye, was established in 2007 by a team of data and computer scientists. Their mission was to find innovative ways to connect public sentiments with decision-makers.

DataEQ combines the power of AI and human intelligence to sift through unstructured feedback, focusing on high-risk, high-value, or urgent conversations. With their unique prioritization method, they enable real-time risk mitigation, boost customer retention and acquisition rates, and enhance the overall customer experience.

6 Significant Benefits of Brand Monitoring Tools

1. Understanding the sentiment: Brand monitoring tools can assist you much better in recognizing the total sentiment that people have in the direction of your brand. This is a great way to read in between the lines as well as observe, on a large scale, just how people are responding to specific posts, projects or your brand name generally.

2. Building customer relationships (Two-way communication): Publicly responding to reviews or comments shows your audience that you are actively paying attention to what they are saying. When you miss out on the possibility to react to questions or criticism online, it might appear that your brand is inaccessible or not paying attention to feedback.

3. Competitor analysis: Brand monitoring tools helps you to closely monitor your competition. You can learn from their mistakes, benefit from their errors and get one step ahead by establishing the direction in which your rivals are planning to develop their business or products.

4. Reputation and crisis management: Sometimes reputational crises occur that need to be combated urgently unless your brand sentiment could suffer in a way that’s tough to paddle back from. Brand monitoring on a constant, real-time basis can help you determine these trending moments as they take place and manage things before they escalate or cause any damage.

5. Evaluating PR effectiveness: Brand monitoring is specifically useful when it comes to measuring the results of PR projects and campaigns. By maintaining a close eye on all the metrics like the social media reach of your messages and exactly how often your keywords are pointed out on different social media channels, you can conveniently examine the results of your public relations efforts.

6. Identifying issues and enhancements: With the help of brand monitoring tools you can keep an eye on for prospective comments that can help you recognize essential renovations to your product and services. When collecting feedback from your target market, make sure that you have an excellent process in place.

Which Brand Monitoring Channels to Track?

Consumers and publications are engaging in online conversations with and about you via a wide range of channels. Therefore, brand monitoring tools that one has should aim to track brand mentions across as many channels or platforms possible.


Reddit has 430 million monthly active users and is the largest platform on the internet. However, brand monitoring often overlooks its value as a source for sentiment analysis. We recommend that you also keep Quora, a question and answer site on your radar which will allow you to answer any brand or product related questions and it can be a crucial part of your content marketing and SEO strategy.

Video and Podcasts

It is important to scan for written mentions of your brand. However, it is equally important to know what people are saying about your brand on YouTube and in popular podcasts. Modern brand monitoring tools allow you to search audio and video media for mentions about your brand or products, increasing your understanding about brand reputation.

Sites that review and aggregate

You can turn detractors into advocates by providing excellent customer service. But you will need to meet them where and when they are. It’s a great way to see what’s working, what’s not, and how you can improve your brand reputation with the help of brand monitoring tools.

Social media platforms

Social media listening is essential. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and other social media channels have become the preferred platform for consumers to voice their opinions, complains, or praise them. You must focus your monitoring efforts and utilize brand monitoring tools on all key social channels, including influencers who are able to recommend or dissuade large audiences.

News media mentions

It is as important to listen to professional bloggers and journalists about your company as listening to customer feedback. Although the media can have a huge influence on your business, it can also help you market your products by sharing positive reviews. 

How to select a Brand Monitoring Tool

1. Define your brand monitoring objectives and goals:

While more data points are better, it is always best to stay focused. For example, if your primary objective is to monitor the performance of your social media campaigns, then selecting the brand monitoring platforms that are centred on social will be most useful. You will need to make sure your platform is suitable for your purpose if you want to benchmark your company against other competitors.

2. Plan a budget:

Do not sign up for brand monitoring tools or suites that are more expensive than they’re worth to your business. Compare pricing models to determine how much you are willing to spend, both on subscription fees and employee time.

3. Select something that is scalable:

Your brand will grow, and so will your brand monitoring goals. It’s important to find brand monitoring tools that are flexible enough to allow you to grow.

Final Words | Value of Brand Monitoring

A brand monitoring tool is a must for any brand if they’re looking to track all the mentions and conversations happening about your brand on multiple social media channels and across the web.

Monitoring brands on various online channels and continuous innovation will help your brand always remain on the top. Besides monitoring brands these brand monitoring tools will provide analytics that will help in choosing the further course of strategy.

Many brand monitoring tools offer scalable options that can be extended and enhanced with more robust tools. However, some only allow for brand monitoring. It’s good to set out a clear roadmap so that one does not end up with several platforms that become a pain to switch between.

Frequently asked questions

Online Brand Monitoring is the method involved with finding notices of some random brand via web-based entertainment organizations, news locales, online journals, discussions, and different sites. Online Brand monitoring shows you the thing is being said about the brand and permits you to answer these discussions.
Brand checking gives you those experiences with clients. A few explicit ways checking expands your promoting endeavors: Listen to your clients: The most ideal sort of showcasing needs to address your clients’ center advantages. The easiest method for understanding what they need?

Brand monitoring is the process of tracking different channels to identify where your brand is mentioned. Knowing where and how people are talking about your brand will help you better understand how people perceive it, and lets you collect valuable feedback from your audience.

Find and identify infringers Infringers of brands are constantly looking to the names or the popularity of brands to profit from their popularity. Monitoring helps businesses find infringers who have adopted domain names and brands which are very similar to yours. Trademark law is intended to protect both brand owners and consumers from unfair competition, and monitoring for brand names is a method to ensure this.

Social media monitoring is the act of listening to what is being stated across the internet, monitoring media not simply from typical publishers but on millions of social websites too.

Locobuzz is one of the best brand monitoring tool on the list which provides one of the best brand monitoring services. It offers comprehensive monitoring capabilities to help you achieve brand goals and improve the brand presence on several social media platforms. The best thing about Locobuzz is its real-time analytics helps to develop a complete understanding of your brand’s social health.

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